Monday, July 11, 2005

How we spent the 4th of July

I know this is practically ancient history by now, at least in this instant age, but I thought I'd show a few pics of our traditional celebration of the 4th. As has become our custom, we viewed the fireworks from the roof of my husband's office. It started out as just our family, quite some years back, when we would haul ourselves up the ladder, pregnant bellies, infants, toddlers, children, chairs, blankets, chocolate chip cookies and all. Now that the kiddos all eagerly scamper up the ladder unaided, and even help schlep stuff, the whole adventure is much easier.

I'm also not as afraid of little ones plummeting to their deaths off the edge of the roof. Our young 'uns are sensible enough that we don't have to keep them constantly at hand or on the lap. In fact, we have even been inviting friends along the past few years.

As usual, we enjoyed the "pre-show" of fireworks, both the "safe and sane" and the highly illegal ones, that were being set off in the parking lots below and the neighborhoods in back.

The actual fireworks show was pretty cool too.

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